Customer Story

How we helped FoundMyFitness launch a premium content membership

Launching the new home for the world’s top health and science podcast, and doubling new email and premium membership signups

  • Growth, Monetization, Branding & Creative, Product Strategy
  • Web, Product, Podcast
  • Refreshed website, brand messaging, email sequences

The brief

Dr. Rhonda Patrick had been creating FoundMyFitness videos and podcasts for years, developing a large and loyal audience of fans interested in health, longevity, and nutrition.

FoundMyFitness's Patreon brought in modest monthly recurring revenue, but growth had plateaued. Over two months we worked with Dr. Patrick and the FoundMyFitness team to launch a new, premium membership product that kickstarted growth — multiplying recurring revenue by over 4x.


Increase in monthyl recurring revenue


Increase in paying customers


Increase in total email subscribers

The key components of FoundMyFitness's growth engine: refreshed website, lead magnet, and email nurture sequence driving passive revenue

Serve your audience to grow your business

Brand messaging was updated, and we launched a refreshed website alongside the new product: a package offering exclusive content including a private podcast, members-only emails, access to library of premium content and FoundMyFitness's Genetic Report software, and a live, monthly Q&A with Rhonda.

The coordinated launch campaign tripled the business's MRR in 10 days, and transformed FoundMyFitness's growth trajectory overnight.

We also worked with FoundMyFitness to design new content and lead magnets in tandem with an email sales sequence to power FoundMyFitness's growth engine beyond the initial launch campaign.

The new funnel was designed to act as a full-time salesperson for Rhonda and the team: converting more website visitors into email subscribers, and delivering valuable content to those subscribers to turn a valuable portion of them into paying customers. The resulting growth engine has continued to increase the business's passive income every month since.


Increase in monthyl recurring revenue


Increase in paying customers


Increase in total email subscribers

"DoubleUp were invaluable to the successful re-launch of my premium membership. From analytics to messaging and creative direction, their experience helped turn my viable business into one that is thriving."

Dr. Rhonda Patrick, P.HD
Ph.D. in biomedical science, founder of FoundMyFitness
FoundMyFitness's Premium Members receive exclusive content via the members-only podcast, The Aliquot

Scaling services to match the opportunity

DoubleUp partnered with Dr. Patrick to realize FoundMyFitness’s growth potential.

From customer onboarding to churn, we helped establish the automated processes that continue to passively grow their wonderful internet business.

The resulting revenue has helped FoundMyFitness expand operations, increase volume of new content production, and continually re-invest back into their core mission of empowering people to take action in their own lives to live better, happier, and even longer.

A year after the product launch, we're still partners: providing strategic guidance and ownership of growth and marketing, freeing the FoundMyFitness team to focus on what they do best — creating and releasing incredible content.

The result? An additional 173% year-over-year growth in revenue and 151% year-over-year growth in total paying customers since the initial campaign.

Can we do this for you?

If you have a big audience and want to do more with them, we might be able to help.

Get in touch
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Increase in new email sign ups


Increase in average Premium Membership sales


Searches per day